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If you make images...

LCE is voluntarily assuming the appearance of a literary salon, where artists, musicians, designers, journalists and new professionals are converging in an exciting desire for collaboration and exchange.

If you are an artist and you want to have the opportunity to introduce your work to a wide audience, without losing the properties of the original, you can email us.
We will evaluate the possibility of using the image, if appropriate, for the cover of some text processing.

The LCE is available to artists, designers, painters, film makers, musicians who want to work together amicably, according to their competence, for the construction of covers, illustrations, video images to a free cultural exchange, an act to promote through the channel publishing of all the industry professionals who will want to gain this experience.

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lauracaponeeditore.com, web site version 1.7.0, created by Laura Capone Editore, logo by Marco Maraglino, all rights reserved.